Office: 4010 Blue Bonnet, Suite 109

 Houston, Texas 77025


Fax 713.668.2511



EDUCATION            University of Houston - Clear Lake                                                                       Houston, TX

                                    Art Therapy                                                                                                                    1990


                                    University of Illinois at Chicago                                                                               Chicago, IL

                                    Art Therapy                                                                                                        1983 & 1985


                                    University of Houston - University Park                                                                 Houston, TX

                                    M.Ed. – Counseling Psychology                                                                                    1981

     Emphasized testing, research, family systems, individual/group therapy,

     career, and personality.


                                    Texas Southern University                                                                                     Houston, TX

                                    Early Childhood Education Certification                                                                       1976


                                    James Madison University                                                                                    Harrisonburg, VA

                                    B.S. - Education                                                                                                              1965




EXPERIENCE           PRIVATE PRACTICE & CONSULTANT                                                         Houston, TX

                                    Therapist and Consultation                                                                                  1988 to Present

-   Conduct individual, family and group sessions regarding changes in the family, grief/loss,

     school performance, developmental issues as in adolescence/teens, peer and sibling relations.

-         Provide training, consultation and experiential workshops to groups


The Post Oak School   

School Counselor, part-time EC-Middle School                                                  Houston, TX                                                                                                                                                                             12/07 - present    

-     Provide counseling support the teachers, students, and parents

-     Enhance anti-bullying program in upper grades

-     Parenting series "Toward Greater Harmony" and "Becoming a Love and Logic Parent"®


                                      ROBERT M. BEREN ACADEMY                                                               Houston, TX

Counselor, part-time: EC -6th                                                                      10/2001to 6/2007

-         Meet with students and parents individually and in small group setting

-         Conduct parent education series

-         Teach teachers positive discipline techniques in classroom

-         Conduct classroom guidance lessons on social emotional issues of students, 

      using positive discipline (class meeting format)

-         Coordinate standardized testing, interpret test scores for parents and teachers

-         Coordinate individual educational testing for student and parents with outside professionals

-         Consult with administrators regarding social emotional needs of students, parents and teachers

-         Refer parents and teachers to appropriate community resources





                                    SPRING BRANCH INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT                       Houston, TX

                                    Counselor Terrace Elementary School                                                            1999 to 2000



                                    PRESBYTERIAN SCHOOL                                                                            Houston, TX

                                    S.E.E.D. Leader       1998 to 2000                                                                          1996 to 2003

Consulting Counselor 1999 to 2000, 2003

School Counselor       1996 to 1999

-Conduct counseling sessions and provide emotional support for children, parents and teachers;

 provided referral information to community-based organizations.

-Provided parent education in parenting skills, family issues, bereavement, social skills, etc.

-Provided teacher training in student guidance and behavioral issues.

-Parent-child communication training.


                                    KINKAID SCHOOL                                                                                         Houston, TX

                                    Lower School Counselor                                                                                     1991 to 1996


                                    ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL MENTAL HEALTH UNIT                                        Houston, TX

                                    Therapist                                                                                                             1990 to 1992

-   Performed counseling for individuals and groups for a multitude of issues,

including depression, chemical dependency/abuse, etc.


                                    SPRING BRANCH INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT                             Houston, TX

                                    Counselor                                                                                                            1981 to 1991

Rummel Creek, Hunters Creek, Woodview and Hollibrook Schools



                                    ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL                                                                                   Houston, TX

                                    Behaviorist - Nutrition Clinic                                                                                 1989 to 1992

Conducted individual and group educational and counseling sessions regarding eating disorders,

behavior modification, impulse control and goal setting.



                                    PSYCHIATRISTS' PRIVATE PRACTICE                                                        Houston, TX

                                    Tutor/Tester                                                                                                        1987 to 1988


                                    HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT                                        Houston, TX

                                    Teacher - Douglass Elementary School

                                    Early Childhood (Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten)                                                1973 to 1983


                                    CEDAR BAYOU DAY SCHOOL                                                                    Baytown, TX

                                    Director of Day School                                                                                       1971 to 1973

-   Managed and supervised teachers in educational programs; provided training and staff development.

-   Performed administrative related functions.



                                    PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER                                                     Louisiana, Virginia, Texas

                                    Teacher - Baton Rouge, LA, LaPorte, TX and Fairfax, VA                                   1965 to 1971

Substitute Teacher - Baytown, TX  










                                    Becoming a Love and Logic Parent® Instructor Training, Love and Logic Institute

                                          Denver, CO   10/7-9,’10

                                    ArtWorkshops in Guatemala, Botanical Drawing with Cynthia Padilla

                                          Organizer: Liza Fourre‘   7/22-8/1/10

                                    Abstract Acrylic Painting Classes, Margaret Scott Dobbins, Artist

                                          Summers ’08, ’09, ‘10

                                    MFA-H Glassell Art History - Fall semester ’07

                                    Creativity Workshop Studios, “Creativity Workshop”, Barcelona, Spain 7/07

                                    AIME (American Institute of Medical Education) “Creativity and Madness” Conference,

                                            Santa Fe, NM 7/06

                                    Houston Group Psychotherapy Society Institute 4/2005

                                    New York Center for Jungian Studies, APA Tour

                                          Cuba! Music, Myth, and Culture” 8/03    

                                    University of Illinois @ Chicago, Summer Institute: 2 classes

                                           Child Art Therapy and Adolescent Art Therapy, Lake Geneva, WI, 7/03

                                    “Total Expression,” an expressive arts therapies conference with Shaun McNiff

                                          The C.G. Jung Educational Center, Houston, TX 6/00

                                    “Getting the Love You Want,” a couples workshop on Imago Relationship Therapy

                                          Rockwall Counseling Center  6/99

                                    “Sand, Psyche & Symbol: An Intensive Week of Sandplay.” 

                                          The New York Center for Jungian Studies, Inc. 7/98

                                    S.E.E.D. – Seeking Educational Equity & Diversity

                                          Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, Princeton, NJ, 8/98

St. Petersburg University of Pedagogical Arts, sponsored by Florida Atlantic University:    

    "Counselor-to-Counselor" seminars in St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia - 1996



CONSULTANT          Bo’s Place, Houston, TX ‘09                                                                                                   

                                    Holocaust Museum, Houston, TX, ‘98

St. Francis Episcopal Day School, Division Heads, Houston, TX, 1997-1998



LICENSES CERTIFICATIONS                                                                                                                             

                                     Texas Licensed Professional Counselor - LPC #06738

                                     Continuing Education Provider License #1056                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

                                     Registered Art Therapist  

                                     Certified Elementary and Early Childhood Teacher - Texas #227-56-9849



ORGANIZATIONS   American Art Therapy Association - Member - AATA

South Texas Art Therapy Association

     Past Newsletter Editor, Treasurer – Member - STATA

                                    Houston Area Independent School Counselors, founding member, ‘91-present

                                    Trinity Episcopal Church, Lay reader, Houston, TX ’06-present

                                    Christ Church Cathedral, Houston, TX, Adult Ed.Council ‘05

                    Lector ’02-‘05

Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church, Houston, TX, member, etc. ’74-‘04

Honors               Anti-Defamation League & A World of Difference - Teacher Excellence Finalist - 5/99

Texas Congress of Parents & Teachers – Honorary Life Member – since 4/89



                                    “Becoming a Love and Logic Parent®” Series

                                           The Post Oak School - 8 week series - fall ’10

                                           St. Mark’s Episcopal Church with The Rev. Patrick Miller - 8 week series  - fall ’10               

                                    “Toward Greater Harmony” 4-part parenting series, The Post Oak School ’08, ’09, ‘10

                                    Heart of Texas Counseling Association-Workshop “Beginnings in Art Therapy” 9.09

“Discovering Wholeness through Art” 3-part workshop series,                                                 

         St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Houston, ‘09

                                    TCA Professional Growth Conference, Houston 11/08

                                         Presenting 2 programs to counseling professionals

                                    DePelchin Children’s Center, presenter to Mental Health professionals 7/08

                                        TEA Elementary Counselor Conference Presenter, Galveston  4/08                                                                                        

                                    Teacher training, “Using Positive Discipline Techniques,” St. Vincent DePaul Catholic               

                                         School: 3 weeks series                                                                                                       

                                     Parent Education Class, Christ Church Cathedral– 2004-2005

Parent Education Book Study: Mitten Strings for God; 5 week series, Presbyterian School, Fall, 2001

The Harlan-Steph Counseling Conference, Presenter - Art Therapy for Counselors,

   Therapists and Other Helpers - Midwestern State University - Wichita Falls, Texas 1995 and 1996

"PG 13" Girls Socialization Skills - Kinkaid Summer School, June 1993

"Lighten Up!" - A weight management program for staff - 6 week series at Kinkaid School, January to February 1992

"Lighten Up!" II - A stress management program for staff - 5 week program –

     Kinkaid School, April to May 1992

"Art Therapy in Schools," sponsor – MFA-H, 6/89, 1/90, 6/90

"Art Therapy - Application in Schools" for Counselors in Alief ISD, 4/90

“Parenting Skills” Series - 6-12 weeks:

       Presbyterian School and South Main Baptist Church 1997

       Hunters Creek, Rummel Creek and Kinkaid School (twice/year from 1984 to1995)

       The Fay School Fall 1993

       St. Francis Episcopal Church Fall & Spring 1992-93

       Grace Presbyterian Church Fall 1992




“Creating a Full Plate” Lenten Class, Trinity Episcopal Church, Houston, TX

      3.3&10, 2010

                                    Catholic Schools of NW Houston, “Communication with Angry Parents” to Teachers & 

     Administrators, 2.15.10

                                    Through a New Lens: Seeing God’s Light” photography class, Co-Leader 11/09

                                             Trinity Episcopal Church, Houston, TX                                                                           

                                    Artist in residence for St. Martin’s Episcopal Church Retreat, Laity Lodge, Kerrville, TX          

                                             1/19-21,’09 and 1/15-17,’10                                                                                         

                                    National Youth Leadership Forum, Houston, TX 7/08, 7/09, 7/10

Spaulding for Children, Post-Adoption Services, parent/child interactive, ‘07

DePelchin Children’s Center, Post-Adoption Services, parent/child interactive

     Encouraging emotional expression, attachment and bonding, ’06 and ‘07

                                    St. Vincent DePaul School, Successfully Parenting your Middle School Student” 9/06

                                    Family Matters, Presbyterian School, “Making Quality Time for Family” 9/06

                                    Night of Learning, BJE, “Communication Strategies to Enhance Learning” 8/06                           

                                    ADOPTationPost Adoption Seminar to parents/children 5/05, 5&6/06

                                    Yom Limmud 2006 – JFGH “Parenting with Bonds & Bridges” 2/2006

                                    KKHT: Christian Arts and Entertainment Radio – interview re: art therapy - 3/2005

                                    Ascent, Houston Conference for Jewish Women – presenter 2004

                                    The Greater Houston ORT Society - presenter 1999, 2000, 2001

St. Stephens Episcopal Day School, 2 week series for parents of both Elementary &

               MS/HS: “How to Talk So Kids Will Listen” and “Parenting with Love & Logic”- 2/2003

Robert M. Beren Academy, PTO co-presenter: “Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Internet”


Bering Drive Church of Christ & Bering United Methodist Church, VBS,

      “Healthy Emotional Expression in Families” - 6/2002

                                    South Texas Art Therapy Association, “With a Broad Brush: Mandalas, the Great                       

     Round, MARI Card Test,” - 3/2002

St. Francis Episcopal Day School, 8th Grade Retreat, Peer Pressure Reversal Skills,

    Early Childhood Parent Education speaker: “When the outside world invades your home” - 1998 and 2000

Holy Spirit Episcopal School, Middle School girls, guidance groups, quarterly - 1998-2000

Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart – Lower and Middle School, staff training “Positive Discipline in the Classroom” - 1999-2000

East Texas Medical Center, Cancer Institute Diversional Therapy: A Source for Healing, “Healing and Art Therapy” – Tyler, TX - 1998

Southwest Texas State University, Creative Arts Conference, “Mandala” - 1998

American School Counselor Association, National Conference, San Antonio, TX - 1998

Virginia Counselors Association Conference, Richmond, VA   “Anger Fear and Loss-Using Art Materials” - 1997

Student Support Services Staff Development, Fort Bend Independent School District – TX - 1997

Houston Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference - 1997

The Great Round Conference – Mandalas & More, San Diego, CA - 1997

The C.G. Jung Educational Center Expressive Arts Conference - “Mandalas” - 1997

Chesterfield School District, Chesterfield, VA: In-service Training to Counselors - 1996

St. Petersburg University of Pedagogical Arts, sponsored by Florida Atlantic University: 

     "Counselor-to-Counselor" seminars in St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia - 1996

Spring Branch Independent School District - Houston Independent School District Elementary and Junior High Schools:

     Differing Abilities Programs (disability awareness presentations) - 1995 and 1996

First Baptist Church of Wilmington, NC - Family Night - 1996

Belton Independent School District to elementary students, Positive Peer Pressure, Self-Esteem and Assertive Communication - 1996

Texas Counseling Association - Post Conference Workshops - 1992 and 1993

Southwest Association Episcopal Schools - "Anger in Children" - 1995

Wellness Day for Harris County Employees - "It's Not What You Eat; It's What's Eating You." -

     Tracy Gee Recreational Center - Houston - 1995

Independent Schools Association of the Southwest - Conference - "Teacher Responses that Build 

     Self Esteem and Responsibility" and "Counseling in the Lower School:  Getting Started" - 1995

New Brunswick County Schools, NC - "Using Art in Counseling," In-service Training for School Counselors - 1994

Texas Counseling Association - State Conferences - 1980 to 1996

Kinkaid Alumni Association - Evening of Continuing Education – 1993,'94,'97,'99

Harris County Department of Education Workshop - 1993

Christian Leadership School - Presbyterian Church USA - Houston - 1993

Pasadena ISD School Counselors, TX; Art Therapy for School Counselors - 1993

San Jacinto Junior College - South Houston, Art Therapy - 1992

"Club Ed" of St. Joseph Hospital - "Myers-Briggs Type Inventory," - 1991

Various churches in Houston Area for Adult Groups

Various schools, Public and Private; Houston, Katy, Alief, Pasadena      



                                    Art Works! Sandtray Workshop 6/07 CEU’s for LPC, Social Worker, Bellaire, TX

Art Works!Saturday Series 11/05, 1/06, 2/06, 4/06 CEU’s for LPC, Social Work, Bellaire, TX

Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference presenter 1980 - 1996

Presenter of workshops, various topics for counselors/therapists to earn CEU's:

1991 - 1999; locations in Bellaire and Galveston, TX; Wrightsville Beach, NC





PUBLICATIONS       “An American-Russian counselor experience confirms the universality of art,”

                                       Counseling TODAY, publication of the American Counseling Association, April 1997

                                    "Love and War at Home,” Houston Tribune, February 1991

"Fear Can Add Excess Weight,” Houston Woman, September 1991

"Keeping that Weighty Promise Could Lead to a Lean Healthy Future,”

Houston Post, December 1990

"Tell Me about Your Spots" - A counseling lesson, The School Counselor

           Journal of ACA   May 1990