Phylis R. Tomlinson is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Art Therapist, and Marriage and Family Therapist in Houston, Texas.

Her private practice includes work with people in transition and on a path of personal and professional growth.  She helps people live their lives on purpose, creatively and in balance with self and others.  She particularly works with women and men who are on a journey to dis-cover (uncover) their purpose and joy in life. Children and the art process are a natural paring for working out issues of separation, anxiety, stress and other social emotional issues.

She practices traditional talk therapy as well as incorporating the creative process using a variety of art materials to assist with self-expression and drawing out inner issues for self-exploration.

Phylis enjoys presenting workshops for professional training to educators and mental health therapists. She is an Independent Facilitator for Parenting the Love and Logic Way©.

Phylis is an independent facilitator of the Becoming a Love and Logic Parent©.  ( Love and Logic® provides simple and practical techniques to help parents with kids of all ages:

Art Therapy - The power of art to reduce anxiety and replace it with nature's healing forces.

Phylis adds: Experiencing a greater sense of spirituality and self-trust.